学生 investigate practice crime scene

Criminal Justice

Why study Criminal Justice at 365bet?

The Criminal Justice Department educates students in a broad coverage of the field, including courts and law, crime and deviance, and institutions and processes. 有效的 summer 2018, the major will provide students with a generalist knowledge of the criminal justice field and the opport团结 to expand one’s knowledge in a particular subfield. Coursework is offered in both on-campus and online formats. Furthermore, criminal justice courses are offered at the Clarksville campus, as well as the Fort Campbell Center. Criminal Justice is a growing department that provides students opportunities to examine the field from an academic perspective coupled with practical applications.  

Following the events of September 11, 2001, homeland security has been a top priority in the United States, not only for government officials, but for all Americans. 学生 have the option to add a concentration in 首页land Security to the Criminal Justice 主要的. This coursework will prepare students for the in demand job opportunities throughout 这个国家.  

学生 are free to choose a minor that complements their studies in Criminal Justice. The Department of Criminal Justice prides itself on providing students a balanced and complete education. We are also proud to assist our nation’s military personnel and veterans obtain their educational goals

What will I learn?

Criminal Justice students take foundations coursework introducing them to the criminal justice system, as well as basic theory of crime, criminal law, and research methodology. Advanced courses are sampled from areas including crime and deviance, courts and law, and institutions and processes. These courses can be selected by students to more closely tailor their academic plans to their needs. Elective coursework can include additional choices of topics or areas that are of interest to the student in pursuit of their specific career goals. The department offers a wide variety of courses and specialty topics throughout the academic year, including summer and winter sessions.   


What engagement opportunities are available to Criminal Justice majors?

The Department of Criminal Justice is the sponsor of the 365bet, Phi Kappa Chapter of the Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society, which recognizes the academic excellence of Criminal Justice students. 学生 with an overall GPA of 3.2 with Criminal Justice as their major or minor and have completed at least 4 CRJ classes are qualified to request membership. The goals of the 365bet, Phi Kappa Chapter are to honor and promote academic excellence, comm团结 service, educational leadership, and 团结. Alpha Phi Sigma provides a local and national forum for obtaining information and developing perspectives about the field of criminal justice, learning about educational and career opportunities, and forming meaningful professional networks.

What Do Criminal Justice 主要的s Do After Graduation?

The Criminal Justice degree will prepare you for a successful career in a growing field by supplying you with up-to-date information, as well as a broad understanding of theory and practice in the field.

Criminal Justice majors go on to pursue many different paths:


  • ATF代理
  • Defense Attorney
  • 法警
  • Border Patrol Agent
  • 中央情报局特工
  • Corrections Officer
  • Court Administrator
  • Court Reporter
  • 书记员
  • Crime Scene Technician
  • 犯罪学家
  • Customs Agent
  • 美国缉毒署的
  • Federal Air 元帅
  • 联邦调查局特工
  • Foreign Service Officer
  • Forensic Scientist
  • 狩猎监督官
  • 首页land Security
  • 冰剂
  • 国税局代理
  • 法官
  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • 中介
  • 军事 Police
  • 律师助理
  • Parole Officer
  • Private Investigator
  • Probation Officer
  • 检察官
  • Secret Service Officer
  • Security Officer
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • 老师
  • Transportation Security Administration Officer
  • U.S. 元帅
  • U.S. Postal Inspector
  • Victim Advocate